digging basement

Why Don’t Las Vegas Homes Have Basements? ( 3 Reasons )

Basements are underground structures made of concrete and built under a home, usually to strengthen the foundation. Some people may be surprised to learn that basements aren’t as widespread in the western United States as they are on the east coast or up north. Las Vegas homes don’t usually have or need basements despite their…

Is Las Vegas a good place to live with COPD

Is Las Vegas a Good Place to Live With COPD?

COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a medical condition that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. This condition makes breathing difficult, but studies have shown that areas with high humidity can worsen this condition; therefore, drier climates can actually ease the burden of gasping for air. Would a city like Las Vegas, which is characterized…

Retired couple on the outdoor patio of their home in Las Vegas

Is Las Vegas a Good Place to Retire? A Guide for Seniors

You’ve spent your whole life literally working up to this moment – countless hours dedicated to your job, and the moment is finally here. Congratulations! You’re retiring! Now comes the real fun, deciding where you are going to spend all of this free time you finally have. If you’ve been thinking about retiring in Las…