Those who jump in the fountain are usually charged with misdemeanor trespassing. In Nevada, this charge can result in a $1000 fine or up to six months in jail.
The pool is quite deep, and there are several obstacles at the bottom, like tubes, jets, and objects that people throw.
As a result, you will be charged with property damage in addition to trespassing, which can increase your fine or potential time in the county jail.
Someone jumping in the fountain pool can interrupt the show until the person is caught or gets away.
There are instances where you may see people legitimately swimming in the Bellagio Fountain. The difference, however, is they aren’t swimming for fun. It’s their job.
The average depth of the pool is about 8 feet (2.5 meters), but it’s even deeper near the water jets. The pool’s deepest point reaches about 13 feet.